HSE Management
We believe in health and safety services that extend beyond the role of a client or contractor.
We work with the project team to ensure that the working environment is safe, and works are completed with the minimum to zero lost-time injuries.

Definition of Occupational Health & Safety Management
It is a coordinated and systematic approach to managing health and safety risks. It helps organisations to continually improve their safety performance and compliance to health and safety legislation and standards.
Section 8 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the employer’s legal requirement to identify, assess and control safety, reads: “Every employer shall provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of its employees”.
The Department of Labour governs site inspections and the application of Occupational Health and Safety regulations by every employer. We strive to assist our clients by reducing incidents, accidents, and injuries on site. We will add value to your company by saving unnecessary legal fees because of personnel injuries.
We will assist our clients with the implementation, training and management of the following legislative Acts and requirements:
- The Occupational Health & Safety Act 85 of 1999 & its relevant regulations
- The Compensation of Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
- The Local Government Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000
- The Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996
- The Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997
- The National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
- South African By-laws
- ISO 45001 International Standards for Health & Safety at Work
Implemented Health and Safety Management Systems had proven reliability. It reduces risks, improves productivity, and minimises cost.
The benefits of having the right safety management system include:
- Health, Safety, and Environmental risks are easily identified and mitigated.
- Risks can be prioritised and addressed systematically.
- Assessment and implementation can begin immediately.
- Staff members are engaged.
- Compliance reduces absenteeism, claims and insurance assessments.
- Moral, legal, and financial issues can be addressed.
- Compliance enables international benchmarking opportunities.
- OH&S standards can be incorporated into sustainable reporting.
- Positive brand exposure as a Health & Safety compliant leader within the field of service.
Our HSE services
Ground Penetrating Radar Scanning

Electromagnetic Radar
We use a geo-physical technique which uses an electromagnetic radar to detect conductive and non-conductive sub-surface objects.
The Electromagnetic Radar Scanner is moved across the surface examining repetitive patterns at depths of up to 8m deep, detecting plastic and ceramic utilities.
Cable Avoidance Tool
The Cable Avoidance Tool find cables to bypass when excavating, constructing, or conducting other types of groundwork.
Because of the ability to detect power-, radio- and genny signals, your project will be delivered safely, prompt and economically.
Concrete Surface Scanning
The Conquest 100 reduces risk by detecting the rebar, post-tension cables, metallic and non-metallic conduits as well as current-carrying wires embedded in concrete. It creates a detailed scan of concrete floors, decks, columns, walls, and ceilings to detect embedded objects before cutting, breaking, or coring.

To ensure the overall prompt success of the job, utility detection is critical to any construction project where subsurface excavations are planned. If ignored, budget overruns multiply, your schedule turns chaotic and there is the risk of injuries on site.
We offer our clients a comprehensive range of reporting options, from marks on the ground, to a basic field sketch, to a full and comprehensive report that pinpoints buried electrical, water, gas, communication, petrochemical, sewer, and storm drain lines. Our report provides you with a Permanent Utilities’ Location Statement for future reference.